Big Ideas for Small Room Décor

Not all of us can afford to have large homes, and this is why we have to work with what we have. With a little creativity and the use of information people might turn small spaces into larger rooms (naturally this is just an illusion).

Let’s take for example a small living room. Everything starts with the walls. You might have heard that having white walls isn’t the best solution, because it represents the lack of color.

Small Room Decoration

On the other hand, this is exactly what you need in case of small spaces. So, when it comes to choosing the color of the walls, be sure to choose white. The same thing is true for the color of the ceiling.

Regarding the furniture, you should go on with the idea of white. Although at first it might seem a little too much, the sofa and the accessories might be white as well. Nonetheless, you might need some items to break the feeling of winter and coldness.

You might choose a couple of chocolate chairs, and the coffee table can have the same color. Also the frame of some pictures or mirrors could have a warm color. The white window treatments and rug will also create the illusion that the space is bigger.

The light will bounce from the white items, and make the room seem larger. You could choose to have a large window to add plenty of light to the room, and the effect might be enhanced through the use of mirrors.

To make people feel like they are in a large room, you should make them look up. Create some long vertical lines in the room, for example with the help of the draperies that should be hanging from the ceiling.

Also you might use pictures, by hanging them over the mantel or high up on the wall.


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