Ideas For Beginner To Start Home Garden!

Home GardenSimple home garden adds beauty to your house and it is a necessary aspect for your dream home.

Simple home garden attracts greatly and the beauty of the garden never vanishes due to its simplicity.

Not everybody show interest in gardening, but you will get fun once you start.

In order to make your garden envy to others you need to follow some techniques to make your garden more attractive.

How to start home garden?

Maintaining home garden is one of the top most hobbies in the United States. If you are new home owner or just want to start home garden then here are few tips and ideas on starting a garden.

  • The first step is starting small. In your yard select a sunny spot. The spot is not more than 5 feet by 5 feet. You will be irritated if the place you are selected is larger than your practice.
  • Before you are going to do anything in the selected spot, eliminate all the weeds. Weeds can reappear within a few weeks, so don’t be surprised. Just remove them when you see.
  • Make the soil evenly in the yard with a shovel or spading fork. If your yard is tough to dig, there is difficulty to grow the plants.
  • In order to make the soil soft, water it the day before you work the soil. Put some macrobiotic fertilizer on the soil surface and mix it properly before going to plant.
  • Then water the mixed soil before going to plant. Don’t bring plant roots in contact with dried up soil.
  • It is better to plant small plants instead of planting seeds, because mounting from seeds takes additional practice. For a beginner who wants to start home garden, small plants are effortless to grow.
  • Before planting you need to consider one thing. Only select those plants which grow well in your area. Plan for exotic plants after you get some experience in your gardening career. Ensure at your home nursery for an array of plants that are appropriate to your locality.
  • After planting, immediately water it to spread the soil around the roots. Don’t attempt to put fertilizer until you observe new growth of the plant.

Select the plants that you like most. You will get fun while gardening. Growing flower plants are very enjoyable for you. Put a little effort to acquire a flourishing organic garden. For this here are some tips to get a healthy garden.

Tips to acquire a healthy garden naturally:

  • Check your soil for organic matter, nutrients and pH range. Balanced and well soil is the means to a healthy home garden.
  • Remove the existing weeds and unwanted growth of the plants. Mixing 4-6 inches of organic fertilizer is must for the top 3 inches of the soil.
  • Fertilize your home garden at least 2-3 times in a year by using a slow discharge organic fertilizer.
  • Adding earthworms to the soil helps to fertilize and cultivate the soil constantly. If you observe below 10 warms per cubic foot then add earthworms as they are nature’s finest gardener.
  • Select native plants that best suit to your home garden.
  • Water regularly, frequently, and deeply. The necessity of water varies with season, so adjust according to the season.
  • Use nontoxic alternatives to control diseases and insects. Use soap, oil, and pepper sprays.

After starting home garden, just consider the above tips to keep your garden healthy. These are just some tips, there are many more to maintain your garden. Can you suggest any tips to maintain a healthy garden?


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