Make your wall decoration Beautiful And Elegant With Wall Mural Painting!

Wall Mural PaintingWall decoration plays a vital role in interior decoration. A room with perfect furniture looks imperfect without a proper wall decoration.

Wall decoration is an art. It is not a simple task.

It’s about filling up empty walls in a perfect way to reflect your feel and style.

You can transform the look of your room using a wall mural. Wall mural is an image/poster that you can apply directly to the wall or the ceiling.

Wall mural can make a small room look larger and a boring, dull room into a lively and vigorous room. A mural can be an enlarged photograph or a painting image. It can be a big image covering an entire room or a small one that covers only a part of the room.

Painting a wall mural

You can decorate your wall by painting a wall mural. It is easy and fun to do. The only requirement for painting a wall mural is zeal to work. Although it is time-consuming, the look it gives to the wall is marvelous. Don’t get panic, if you are new to a mural painting.

Just apply all your painting skills.

Prepare the wall surface

Prior to painting a wall mural, prepare the wall by cleaning it thoroughly and allow it to dry completely. Then apply a fresh coat of primer or paint on the wall to balance the color variations on the wall, if any.

Wall mural design

To achieve success in designing a wall mural, prefer a grid method. It is the easiest way to paint a mural on the wall. To grid a wall mural design, draw a set of one inch lines horizontally and vertically forming a grid on the wall. It gives you a clear idea of where to start and also a clear point of reference to draw the design on the wall.

A right paint can make your wall mural last for years. So, select the paint that is best suited for your walls. The good idea is to examine the light-fastness quality of the paint. An acrylic mural paint is perfect, but too expensive.

So, use the paint for highlighting the design and ordinary paint for the remaining areas. Use a varnish as a final coat for your mural design. This protects the mural from damaging.

Tips For Painting A Wall Mural:

  • Choose a simple design for mural painting with very few colors, if you are new to mural painting.
  • For a light colored paint, outline the design using a light-colored pencil. A black/ dark colored pencil can make the lines appear clearly.
  • Before painting, spread drop cloths on the floor as a means to protect it.
  • Remove the electrical plates from the walls to avoid further troubles.
  • Use the right brushes for painting your wall mural. Prefer decent brushes. A cheap brush can make the mural work harder.
  • Check your mural regularly and find out what it looks like from a far distance. A perfect wall mural looks right from any corner of the house.


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