The Stylish Home Notes and Venetian Blinds

The main function of the venetian blinds is to block out the unwanted light. You could add them to your home or your office for it is a kind of window covering that is made of vertical or horizontal slats of plastic, metal or wood that could be opened or closed depending on the amount of light that you need.

Usually these blinds come in neutral colors, but you could spice up the room a bit if you add some decorations to the venetian blinds.

Venetian Blinds

First you should repaint the blinds with a solid color. Then use sandpaper to rough all the slats and so it will have better adherence for the paint.

Add another layer of paint to the slats, but this time follow a striped pattern by using different colors on each slat.

In order to go with the decorating process, close the slats of the blind to have a flat surface. Then paint something on the slats that will become visible only in case the slats are in that certain position. You could also paint something else on the other side as well.

Stickers could be used as well, in case you don’t have the talent or the time to decorate the slats on your own. Come up with a pattern and stick the stickers according to that pattern. You could make this a project for your child, because it is fun and he or she would feel useful.

Another alternative for decorating the slats is to use a sponge to add different color pattern to every slat.

In case you are good with carving, you could etch a different pattern on each of the slats. This works best if the blind is made of wood. For this you will need a carving knife or a wood burner but you shouldn’t forget about the safety measures.

There are also some craft supplies that you could glue to the slats, like glitter, ribbons, craft foam shapes or other thin items that wouldn’t bother the functionality of the blinds.

Before choosing the blinds, you should take a look at the options that you have.

Regarding the color you should pick one that is suitable for the colors used in the room or a neutral color that works for just any kind of room, like crème, beige, or off-white.

Also consider the kind of slats you would like to have. Some of the blinds come with narrow slats, while the other ones have wider slats. The narrow slatted blinds work best for the small bedrooms. The larger rooms require blinds with wider slats.

The material of the blinds is also important when making the decision. In case the room is prone to collecting dust, you should go for metal, vinyl or wood because you can vacuum clean or dust them. The fabric blinds make the room look more sophisticated, because the fabric blends in with the rugs, upholstery and the other interiors.

There are some additional features available in the specialized shops; so if you are not the crafty kind of person you can always buy new venetian blinds.


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