Decorating In A Victorian Style For Grace And Elegance

bedroom decorDecorating in a Victorian style should be done with care as it is a heavy look involving lots of dark wood and elaborate textured wall coverings.

A good room that will work well with these elements is a bedroom.

Rich colours and sumptuous fabrics are the key to getting intricate look that the Victorians adored.

If you do not like clutter then avoid this look at all costs because it is all about display almost everything. Putting on a show and making people aware of your wealth is the aim of this kind of bedroom decorating.

It is quite hard to tone down or take small parts from it; essentially, it is all or nothing with a Victorian look. Having said that one feature wall with a series of small pictures and other touches could work well in a hall or dining room.

Indulgence is the way to go so look for thick patterned curtains with tasseled tie backs, swags and frills can work too. Dark wood furniture plays an important part and one decorative piece will be a great feature. Throw in plenty of stripes, lace and portrait silhouettes and you are nearly there.

For lighting, chandeliers are now available with a modern twist and if you combine this with a few traditional wall lights and one or two table lights then it will mean that you have all the different lighting that you require.

For Victorian décor it is all about substance and wealth so getting carried away in this case is an advantage, so indulge yourself.


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