Tips for Avoiding Clutter and Keeping Clean Decorating Lines

Clutter is a problem that we all have to fight with from time to time. Nonetheless there are some solutions that you could use in order to make your job easier.

Feeling overwhelmed?

When you are planning on working in a room, you should set up a timeline and break down the room in sections. Work with one section at a time to become more organized.

When working you should also be think about the reason for which you are getting rid of the cluster. If you have a schedule, you will be more likely to succeed because you won’t get distracted.

Tips for Avoiding Clutter(photo credit:

Being sentimental

In case you are keeping some objects because they have a sentimental value or because you might need them in the future, think about this: keep only the things which are truly important, that you really use or that you have space for. One of the best things you could do is to ask somebody to help with the task. Also you could ask him or her to presort the items so that it will be easier for you to decide.

Everything you can

Do what you have to do and you have to accept that not everything will turn out perfect. Think of a plan now, but also keep in mind that with time you will have to make some modifications. At the beginning, start with a small project and then just widen it as you go along and as you find new needs.

Make some time

In case you think that you are too busy to handle organizational tasks, just force yourself to have 15-30 minutes of free time to do things around the house.

You may be amazed of how many things you can achieve, such as sorting the mail, putting the laundry away or organizing a cupboard. If you think that time will fly by and you won’t even notice it, you could set an alarm.


We all feel like we can’t do anything from time to time, but the best way to make sure that we actually get the job done is to set deadlines. You could make yourself stick to these deadlines by giving yourself awards.

Also you could get up earlier for a few days to get the job done. Another idea is to invite people over, because if you know that someone is coming, you will be more motivated.


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