Cotton Wall Hanging, ‘Sunshine Elephant’

Wall hangingsWall hangings act as a home decor because the beauty of the wall certainly increases with them.

You can find various types of wall hangings with different styles and patterns and the selection of the right wall hanging will be totally dependent on you.

Be particular while selecting the right wall hanging for your home because unsuitable one will spoil the look of your wall.

You have to select the wall hanging by keeping the color of the wall in your mind.

If the color of your wall is bright then go for bright colored wall hangings, otherwise go for the wall hangings which have neutral (not that much bright) colors in it. This sunshine elephant wall hanging looks more adorable with cheerful colors.

It is lavishly embroidered in jewel-like colors, so certainly it will give attractive look for your home and the happy pachyderm features sparkling mirror applique. It is totally designed in the Indian style and work and colors which are featured in this wall hanging resembles the culture and tradition of India.

Each piece of wall hangings will be crafted individually, so there will be slight variations from one piece to another piece of wall hangings with same design.

The dimensions of this wall hanging are 1.12 m W x 1.16 m H and the total weight of it is 0.58 kgs. 100% pure cotton material is used in this wall hanging and it is meant for dry wash only.

Look at the website given to buy or to find more on this product:


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