Your Guide To Cowhide Rugs

Unless one has an aversion to using animal hides or is opposed to them in principle, they can be a stylish and interesting addition to the décor of a room.

Cowhide rugAnd you don’t have to have a rustic or ethnic setting for a cowhide rug or cowhide cushions to be used; these can blend very well into a number of different design styles.

Cowhide rugs, throws, pillows, cushion covers, etc can be sourced from Ebay, or other specialty cowhide stores such as E cow hides, or Southern Hides, or Rawhide company etc.

And when you do decide that a cowhide rug or other design elements is for you, then you should keep in mind the following:

  • A cowhide rug could be a considerable outlay in terms of money paid, so it is important to make sure that the hide is tanned professionally in a way that the suppleness of the leather is retained and it does not dry out thereby causing it to crack. It should also be treated in a way that does not cause the fur to shed.
  • Chromium tanning is the best process that can be used for cowhide rugs, so inquire from the manufacturer as to the tanning process used for the one that you plan to buy.
  • Ideally the rug should smell like leather, an impart that warm homey smell to the area where it is placed. To ensure that it retains this pleasant smell, the hide should be properly treated with appropriate solutions, which also you should inquire after.
  • Some of the best cowhide producing regions of the world is Argentina and Brazil and some areas of the United States. Some good quality hides can also be sourced from France.

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  • Make sure that the cowhide you buy is made using humane and responsible farming techniques, particularly if cruelty to animals is an issue close to your heart.
  • Look at the cut and shape of the rug that you want to buy. Many like the natural shape of the hide in its entirety, which could be more expensive. Others on the other hand prefer a patchwork effect where several different kinds of hide are used to create a whole. You can also have cowhide rugs fashioned to create a star shape or patterned in a rustic pattern such as Longhorn Texas Bull etc.


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